
At Knott Ave. Christian Church we have this event called "Shebrews". I know , the name sounds kinda corny, but it's a "coffee house" for the women of the church to bring their "non" Christian friends and have some entertainment. They have special music or a comedienne, things like that.

Well this past Friday the Women's Ministry dept. decided to have a Shebrews/Hebrews night. Women could bring their significant others or any friend. I was asked to perform some illusions. Dawn Hammontre did some of her comedy. One word on her, HILARIOUS! Matt Whelchel and Jessica Rallis sang a few songs, they are an "item" you know. They were very very good. The last song they sang was "Psalm 62", WOW was that great.

I know what you are thinking, "How did they illusions go?" I was as nervous as I have ever been. This was a group of over 300 people. OK, I was scared, I didn't want to go on. I kept thinking how to get out of it. If I could have I would have made myself disappear. Liz and I started off with Houdini's "Metamorphosis", a hit with the crowd. Then later I did a "Chinese Linking Ring " routine, I'll get back to this in a second. During the next segment I did my "Eggbeater" trick and finished up with the "Rubber Bands."

Back to the "Rings". This routine is the newest in my act. I have only performed it once, and that was during "Missions Week". Our Missionaries were on my side before I started so that made me comfortable. The Shebrews crowd on the other hand were a bunch of people who didn't know me from Adam (not Adam Young, you know what I mean.) I brought up this woman and she was perfect. She went along with all the jokes and I think it went really well.

So on the way home I thought God is amazing. I mean, as scared as I was, as worried as we all were about that evening God took care of us all. I walked out of the auditorium with a big smile on my face. Not because people liked what I did but because each time I perform I know that I am not alone on stage. I know God is there, and that comforts me.

So at the end of "Shebrews" all I can say is; Thank you God, for a wonderful night.


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