Mystery Shop

Any of you who have ever worked in retail may know what I am talking about. When I was a bank manager my paycheck was greatly affected by mystery shoppers. They randomly come to your business, posing as a customer, and judge your customer service skills, building maintenance, length of time to be assisted, etc. When I left that job 4 years ago I looked into becoming a mystery shopper(I had plenty of experience!). I have been doing this for over 2 years now and I for the most part enjoy it. I have done everything from shopping for a TV, appliances and various clothing items, to casual dinners and fast food to evaluating parking lot attendants. There is a nominal fee usually or a “free” dinner involved with answering lots of questions and/or lengthy essays describing your experience. (Sometimes timed to the second!)
This weekend I took on one I knew would be a challenge but it was the only way we could afford to do a “mini” vacation with our kids this year. I did a mystery shop for a local amusement park we had never been to. We all had a blast acting like kids, especially Wayne and KC! We rode several rides and saw a couple of shows, it was a full day. We stayed overnight in a local hotel (thanks to some rewards points we had) and walked around Old Town the next day and had some freshly handmade tortillas!!
The best part always for me is hanging out with my family. I am so blessed that even as the kids get older, they still enjoy hanging out with Robert and I. I know that won’t always be the case so I am going to take advantage of it as long as I can.
The shop took me about 2 – 2 ½ hours to complete but looking back it was worth it. We had a great weekend and some good, fun time together.

1 comment:

Amanda Lane said...

Fun! I am glad you guys got to do that! I have actually done a few mystery shops myself, thanks to your encouragement a few months ago :)