What's it worth?

I watched a video of a guy tying his shoe in 1 second. He actually showed how to do it. Of course he had to do that over under thing we all do to start it. That didn't count in his time.
So I tried to tie my shoe as fast as I could and I did it in just under 2 seconds. I'm actually pretty good at it. I would put my shoe tying skills up against anyone. I'm that good at it.
Anyway, I did the math and I think I would have saved something like 14 hours. Now that assumes an average of 2 shoe ties a day for 45 years per foot. I'll put the first 5 years on my mom. Also I'm not counting the times I tied my kid's shoes. I'll let Liz take those. So that's 2(avg.times per day) times 365(days in a year) times 45(years) divided by 60(number of seconds in a minute) divided by 60(number of minutes in an hour) = 9.125 hours divided by (actually you have to multiply) .75 = 6.8 hours times 2 (number of feet) and the grand total is 13.6 hours I would have saved if I had learned how to tie my shoes in a second.
What would I do with an extra 13.6 hours? What would I do with an extra 13.6 hours?
Probably just sleep. Oh well I guess I will just keep tying my shoes the same old way. Because after all it's my 13.6 hours and I will spend it any way I want.
If you had my day today, you would understand this so much more.
Have a good day,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now I have to wonder what many things I could have done with the 45.7 seconds I spent reading your post!