What the...?!

So, yesterday started out as a pretty good day.
I got a lot done in the morning.
Mike and the team arrived home safely from Australia.
A guy I know got out of prison and found a room at a sober living facility. He still needs work, but at least he's trying.
I went to lunch with Edgar and Jamie. We went had 85 cent tacos. I had 2 al pastor and 2 chorizo.
I mean a pretty good day.
There were around 50 people in line for Community Assistance and we had a bunch of volunteers.
Then all of a sudden things changed, and not for the better.
One of our volunteers came in and said "Can you talk to this woman?" "Her boyfriend beat her pretty bad." I said sure. I don't know what I was expecting. I mean I've talked to women who have been abused. Bruises, swelling, tears. I figured I would be ready. My plan was to make sure that she had called the police. If she hadn't I was going to, no matter what.
I walked into the room and sat down. I was at a total loss.
This woman had a dark purple, I mean almost black, bruise from the neckline of her shirt to her hairline. Both eyes were swollen, one almost closed. Her lip was swollen. She had scrapes all over her face. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. Then I realized that I was angry. I skipped right past compassion and flashed to anger. "for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God." James 1:20
I took a deep breath and talked to her. I told her how sorry I was. I asked and she had called the police. She met with them and they had taken pictures. They assured her that he would be arrested.
I asked her if I could pray for her. She smiled at me and said "The other guy did already. But I could always use more." I prayed with her.
I told her that she could come by anytime and speak with our Woman's Pastor. She said she was given the name of the counselor who has an office here at KACC. She got up and got some food.
I walked out.
I went back to my office.
I finished my day.
I went home.
I hugged my wife.
I cried.
Ephesians 4:26 says " BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger,"
Apparently I don't know how to do that. 'Cause I'm still angry. I guess I have to work on that.


1 comment:

Joe Chavez said...

Rob, it's situations like this that:

a) I know hell exists;
b) I know God would forgive the man if he repented and gave his life to Jesus;
c) I cannot fathom how "b" is true;
d) I will keep this woman in prayer;
e) This is what "the ministry" is all about: hurting people and showing them God's love.

Thank you for sharing it. May God use it to lead others to a place of healing and repentance. Thank you, too, for all you and the pastors do day-in and day-out.