The Widow's Gift

The other day a man in a powered wheelchair came to the door and asked to speak with someone. So naturally, I get a call.

I go out to talk to him. His name is Robert. We sit for about 25 minutes and I listen to him. He doesn't have teeth (he mumbled) and is hard of hearing (he whispered) so it was tough to hear him. I don't think he cared all that much. He is a very lonely man and just wanted to talk to someone. After a while he was done talking, so I asked him if I could pray for him and he said sure. After we prayed he said he would like to give me some money for the homeless. He also said he didn't have much as he only gets $35 a week for expenses. The rest of his money goes to the facility he's in. He pulled $1.63 from a bag (he lost his wallet). I told him he didn't have to give us the money. I said he may need it and it would be OK for him to keep it. He insisted and handed me a 1 dollar bill (crumpled up) 2 quarters, two nickels and 3 pennies. I thanked him and told him we would give it to someone who needed it. I walked into the office and told Rebecca (our receptionist) about Robert. We both almost cried.

And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury.
And He saw a poor widow putting in two small copper coins.
And He said, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all of them;
for they all out of their surplus put into the offering; but she out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on."
Luke 21: 1-4

I saw Robert driving his wheelchair across the street the other day. I just looked at him and smiled. The gift he gave me that day was more than money can buy. I thank you Robert.

In Him,

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