Drive to work

This morning driving into work, same route I always take: I got off the freeway, in the same place I always do, though something was different today. As I exited there were several police cars and flares scattered on the road blocking 2 of the 3 lanes. As I slowly turned down the street I noticed right away what all the commotion was. There was a car precariously balanced on the center divider! Yes, somehow this car managed to work its way up onto the grassy divider, facing the wrong way, with the front tires almost touching the pavement, back tires on the divider. What was more interesting to me was, as I drove slowly by, there was a woman seated in the car on the driver’s side looking at me. As we made eye contact, the look wasn’t amusement or annoyance at what had happened, it wasn’t fear or shock, it was I have no idea what to do next, won’t you help me? You know that look. We all see it in people’s faces every day; in the grocery store, at restaurants, work places, even stopped at a light. The question in my mind was, is she asking me for help? How can I help? There are police, I’m sure a fire truck was on its way, possibly paramedics, and lots of people standing around. I had to get to work, if I stopped I couldn’t possibly be any more help than what she was already surrounded by. So as I pulled into my parking lot, the vision of her still in my mind I realized the one thing I could do of course, pray. While she did not appear to be injured or in any danger, there was a reason our eyes met. God had a reason to bring me to that place at that time. So even though I did not know what her specific needs were, other than the obvious, I felt she was crying out for more. I sat in my car and prayed for her. I prayed that even though I don’t know what she needs, her Heavenly Father does. How much more should I be praying for those whom I am close to and love dearly and know their hurts and cries? My mornings are full of requests on behalf of others now. I fill my drive to work with prayer. So many of my friends & family are in need of prayer, please know that I am praying…


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