How about "I'm sorry."

This morning we went to Europcar car hire (rental). We had a reservation for two 8 passenger vans and one car. They called this morning to say there was a problem. Kia had recalled their mini vans and we couldn't get them. They said we could have a 12 passenger van, a seven seater and one car.
After voicing our displeasure, Daun S. said fine we'll take it. Then they said the only problem is the 7 passenger won't be there until 9 or 9:30. We were supposed to pick them up at 8:00.
So we wait around Tim's house and wait and wait and wait.
We go to Europcar, 9:15, and they said it will be only about 15 minutes. As Daun talks to the woman (We'll call her Allison because that was her name) at the counter she explains that too many people have extended their rental. Daun tells her the story told to her on the phone and she says she can't understand why she would be told that. Turns out the guy (we'll call him Jamie- his name) is sitting right there. Daun was not happy. Me? No I wasn't happy either. We were supposed to be at Family Fun Day at Musgrave park at 9:00 for NAIDOC. We sign for the 12 passenger and the car. Daun takes Tim's Tarago (8 passenger Toyota minivan). Tim takes the 12 passenger and Tim's wife Kylie takes the Camry (rental). Carlos and I stay to wait for the 7 passenger. 10:00, only 2 hours late. As you can tell our 15 minutes has been almost an hour. At 10:37 I ask "What are the chances we are going to get out of there in the next half hour?" Jamie gets on the phone and talks to the guy driving the car and tells us "he's almost here. 10 minutes or so." "Or so" always gets you in trouble.
I say to Allison, "You gotta know this isn't right". She says "There is nothing I can do". Me-"I understand that but you know this isn't right." A- "We only have so many cars and when some people extend (their rental) there is nothing we can do." Me- "The other people who don't get a car are not my concern." A- "I'm sorry" "but..." This word can only lead to trouble in a situation like this. "There's nothing I can do." She should have stopped at "I'm sorry".
I am reminded of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry is renting a car and they don't have the model he ordered. He tells them they know how to take a reservation they just don't know how to keep a reservation. By the way...I took the insurance!
Anyway I go off to the toilet, I know but the bathroom is where you take a bath and the restroom is...well they don't call it that here in Australia, and when I get back there it is an almost brand new Mitsubishi Pajero, (only 2000 K's on it, don't ask me, I wouldn't know what a Kilometer was if it jumped up and bit me) RED. I look at Carlos and say, "We can't have a red one, it's bad luck." He looks at me with a confused look and I just smiled at him. He smiles at me and tells Jamie, "We have to have a black one." Allison and Jamie look puzzled. Me- "Red is bad luck." C-"We have to have a black one." J- "If you are waiting for a black one you are SOL." Only he actually said it. We all laughed.
The tank on the Pajero is only on 7/8 of a tank. Allison tells us to go to the petrol station and fill it up and she will meet us there and pay. Me- "Look, don't worry about it. I don't care I will fill it up I just want to go." A- "I insist." I was surprised she didn't say, "It's the least I can do."
I get in look at Carlos and say we are going to the petrol station because she insists. We both just laughed. 11:22.
Musgrave park was Awesome. I got to see Ruth Ghee and introduce KC to her. She grabbed KC and hugged her like she knew her all her life. I wanted to cry. I will blog on that in the next day or two. Just so you know even after the morning we had it was a great day today. You should all come to Australia next year.

In Him,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

didn't know about the black Pajero thing, you are such a stirrer... anyway, what's SOL? so out of luck, a son of a lorikeet, such an overgrown lad? Maybe stress of life?? You got me...