Lie to Me

I started watching a new show a few weeks ago "Lie to Me". It stars Tim Roth, he has been in a couple of Quentin Tarantino films, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, and Kelli Williams, she was on one of those laywer shows the Practice I think. Anyway, the show is about Dr Lightman(Roth) who solves crime by looking at the facial movements to see if someone is lying. It's a pretty good show. He is like "House light" He is as arrogant but not as mean.
So I was watching last week and the show ended with the following dialog.

Dr.Foster (Kelli Williams)-
"Why do people think they are the only ones with secrets"
Dr. Lightman (Roth) -
"Human nature, I suppose"

Dr. F-
"If the Mayor had told the truth or Blunt was honest about his illness, None of this would have happened" "If the lies hadn't come together"
Dr. L-
"They always do"

You know what? They always do.The Bible puts it this way.

Numbers 32:23
23b "and you may be sure that your sin will find you out."

Why do we continue to lie? Is it human nature? I think it is. But we must constantly be aware of our actions. We must always be on our guard. Satan is the father of lies. We must remember that. 1 John 2:21 says it cleary. "because no lie comes from truth"

So the next time you are tempted to tell that one little lie that you know no-one will ever find out..."They always do."


1 comment:

Shelby said...

That show is fabbigatastic!