
I have become an avid bird watcher. Every morning we are visited by Quail, woodpeckers, finches, falcons, squirrels and amazing bright red cardinals. We have a rabbit we call "slim" living on the hill behind us who visits early in the morning and late afternoon. We have the occasional javelina family (not my favorite) and a bird of prey I have not clearly identified yet. They have truly helped me in some of the more difficult times, especially when I am here alone and Robert is traveling. I have always loved birds and to see so many up close and be able to enjoy watching them has been a blessing for me.

 However, they can never compete with friends and family. Last week one of our dear friends, Chandra drove up to stay with us for a few days. She has been a part of our family for years. We have shared and laughed and worked endless days and nights putting together Missions conferences over the years. It was so good having her here. We shared what we have been doing, we took her to a local Mexican restaurant and coffee shop, we watched dumb movies and laughed. She asked us if there was something we had been wanting to do here but hadn't done it yet. Well, everyday driving home we pass a sign that says Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological Park. We have been wondering exactly what is up the road less than 5 minutes from our house. We decided to take a look. After a 15 minute video explaining the native ruins built by the Salado Native Americans, we walked around the ruins themselves. We climbed ladders and walked where natives walked and lived nearly 800 years ago, again less than 5 minutes from our house! It was a fun afternoon but not because of the tour, but because our friend was here! Thanks Chandra!!!
Next stop, Pinal Mountains, who wants to visit?


Chandra said...

I'm in for the Pinal Mountains! Sometime in the spring?

Robert and Liz Crews said...

sounds perfect!!!