Here we go!

I was looking over a saved post I was planning on publishing, but much has changed even since I wrote that a few days ago...

Our kids found a place to move they can afford!! They are so excited to take this next step in their lives, as we are excited for them. Our son, daughter in law and daughter will move out October 1.

That gives us a few weeks to finish our packing for our move Oct 22-23. Yes, we found a house as well! It is the one we all liked (though we have never personally seen the inside of it). Those of you who know me know this is very difficult for me.  It was a bit more than we wanted to pay, so we asked if we could do the painting and cleaning if they would drop the rent...they agreed. So we will have to paint, scrub bathrooms, kitchen, clean carpets, put up fencing for our dogs...but we have a house!

This was always the last piece of this huge puzzle in my head. Everything falls into place in perfect timing, God is so good.

The verse I continue clinging to: Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Join us in thanking Him for His provision and perfect timing; for His leading and His grace. We are overwhelmed and joyful and scared; however He leads, we will go.


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