What once was lost...

As a lot of you may have heard by now, our sweet dog Ginger, who ran away 4 months ago (2 days prior to Wayne's wedding) was returned to us!
We are so overjoyed to have her home! She is Robert’s and my dog. Robert picked her out because of her sweet disposition and immediate love she showed us. When she and our other dog got out, we were heartbroken. While Toby (the other Italian Greyhound) was given back to us, Ginger remained missing. We posted flyer's around the neighborhood. We went to 2 different pounds; I checked every lost dog website I could find, posted lost and found ads on Craigslist, and contacted the IG society in Orange County for help. I was desperate and sad. I pined and cried for weeks.
After a couple of months, our family was adjusting. We had a new puppy (Madeline or Maddie) that brings a certain life and energy to your family. Toby was adjusting to Maddie but still was not himself. We all still missed her but life goes on. I on the other hand have a tough time knowing when to let go. I continued posting ads, checking the pounds website regularly, fielding e-mails and calls from some pretty interesting people.
Then, out of the blue, almost 4 months later I got an e-mail from a site I signed up on months ago that sends me e-mails when any dogs in my area have been found. It said a tan Italian greyhound found November 5th in a neighboring city. I thought there is no way! Though I continued to search, when the possibility of it being my dog was placed in front of me I was skeptical. I waited 3 hours then decided to call. The woman was kind and sweet saying she did not know how to find us. The dog was badly injured but they cared for her and her young daughter suggested they place this ad. Still the doubter, I described my dog to her. She said; let me send you a picture. When I saw it I was floored, it looked just like her. I was unwilling to allow myself to get hurt again so I said I am still not 100% sure it is her. We agreed to meet at Church and see if she had my Ginger.
I sent the picture to Robert who instantly said it was her. I said I still wasn’t sure. I cried the whole way to the church still not wanting to go thru the pain of that day again. That day we lost Ginger I also found out my previous boss and friend had passed away, and my Mom was too ill to come to our son’s wedding. One of the worst days I can remember.
When the woman arrived and got out of her truck with my dog, I couldn’t believe my eyes. After 4 months, sure I would never see her again, she was there. She was thin and frail, but it was my dog! She knew me instantly and cried and whimpered to get to me. (I cried too…a lot) When she saw Robert she did the same thing, and with all the kids. We all had tears of joy!
When she got home Toby could not contain his elation! He followed her around for 2 days solid, never letting her out of his sight. She slept; he stood by her side watching her. Maddie, the new puppy just wanted to play with her and they seem to get along just fine. She was home! All that mattered, was she was home.
Now, each day when I get home there is a sweet faced dog, wagging her tail, extremely excited to see me. I am greeted with unconditional love every day. I missed her more than I can say.
This all got me thinking, how much more than does God miss us when we run away? He made us. He knows us. He was there at our birth. He knew the life we would choose, and how heartbreaking it would be to lose us. (Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.") We leave to seek adventure, excitement, independence. We become lost and afraid and lonely. How long does it take before we realize that? Twenty years, a lifetime, maybe never?
God never gives up on us. He never stops loving us and trying to bring us back to Him.
My dog saw an exciting world outside of our home. The back gate opened and she saw freedom and took off, not a thought to the end result. She didn’t stop running, even though her feet were damaged and bleeding, she was hungry, hurt, scared and alone. She got picked up by strangers who did things differently, and took her places she didn’t know or like. She didn’t eat; she was missing her family and the love we gave her. She was frail and weak.
So many people are lost and hurting and in need of their Heavenly Father to put His arms around them and say “welcome home.” That is what He wants too. I want; no I need to help with those reunions. I will not give up. I won’t stop praying for and seeking the lost. I will celebrate each time the lost sheep is home, the lost coin is found; the prodigal son returns.


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