Birthdays, Birthdays...

Our 2 October babies just celebrated their birthdays this week! Wayne 21 and Shelby 15. (I was a child bride :), OK no I wasn't but I now feel very old. I remember when Wayne was a baby, holding him in my arms and rocking him to sleep. Shelby grew up so fast before my eyes I wanted to stop those baby years and hold onto them forever. Then they begin to grow into the loving, caring adults they are meant to be. I watched Robert baptize Wayne, and I baptized Shelby. They love the Lord and are such a blessing to us. God has truly blessed us with some amazing kids and a family I could never imagine! Happy Birthday Wayne and Shelby! Love Mom and Dad

I love this quote, it says it all...
"To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there."
~Barbara Bush

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