“The Power of Real Prayer”

We wrapped up our week in prayer, such a great way to end things. Mike spoke about the persecuted church, and we looked at Acts Chapter 12:1-17. How they “earnestly” prayed, when Peter was in jail they earnestly prayed for him; Acts 12:5 “So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.” Earnest –in a determined and purposeful way, serious and sincere; is that how I pray to God? Mike posed the question, when is the last time you really wrestled with God? In Colossians 4:12 it says “Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.” Few times in my life, I have wrestled with God. Yet looking back on those times, I see the powerful result of my prayers, the life changing events when I cried on my knees, and begged God to answer my prayers. When I didn’t give up praying until I heard God clearly, and He answered my prayers. There are so many unanswered questions in my life right now, why have I not earnestly being praying? My brothers and sisters all around this world struggle daily; why am I not on my knees earnestly for them? Even when their prayers were answered, and Peter was released from prison by an angel, they did not believe it.
I believe being a prayer warrior is not something you are born into, but a conscience decision, something you work at, strive for, and battle with every day. Many of my friends put their lives on the line daily for Christ. They live by prayer; I thank God that they do and ask that I can too, we all need to live by prayer. A friend of mine wrote on her blog her impressions after Mike spoke. You can read them here: Jomama's Village titled “bring your umbrella.” Mike’s blog can be found here: Mike's blog . Please be sure and take a look.

My prayers are purposefully different. It can’t just be when I can squeeze them in, right before I go to bed (when I am half asleep) or even in the 40 minute drive to work. My quiet times, I am rearranging and rethinking the way I do things, and I am “bringing my umbrella” expecting God sized results! Liz

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