Aboriginal Apology

Yesterday (February 13) started out to be a great day, a great day. Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister of Australia gave a 30 minute speech apologizing to the Aboriginal people of Australia for the stolen generation. As Kevin Rudd looked at the camera and said "I'm sorry" I started to cry. They were tears of joy. This was a long time coming.
The next thing I knew my day went pffft.
I read an article about the horrendous things going on in Kenya. Here is an excerpt from that article, "Dr. Joseph Osoo, who runs a tin-roofed, two-room clinic in Nairobi's Mathare slum, said he was overwhelmed by the number of women and girls who came for treatment and by the brutality of their ordeals."During the days immediately after the election I was treating up to 45 rape victims a day," he said. Usually, he treats one rape victim a week.One 10-year-old girl suffered a ruptured cervix as the result of her attack, another woman was cleaved across the top of her thighs with a machete and left to bleed to death, he said."What is unusual is that most cases are gang rapes, which I have never seen before," he said."
I wanted to cry.
Then as I was sitting at my desk a woman knocked on my window, flashed her badge and asked me to step outside. She asked if we had a surveillance camera. Because a 20 year old kid had been shot and killed in the alley across the street. His brother spoke with Mike Carman and said he was walking home and a car drove by and shot him. He wasn’t a gang member. He was just going home and he was killed.
I wanted to cry.
I went home and Liz asked me what was wrong, she could see it in my face…
I cried.
How can God allow this to happen to the Aboriginal people, 65,000+ kids taken from their families?
I cried.
How can God allow women and children to be raped?
I cried.
How can God allow a 20 year old kid just beginning his life die in such a horrible way?
I cried.
How can God allow his own Son die on a cross for a miserable person like me?
I cried.
He loves me.
I cried.


Amanda Lane said...

Lord Jesus, come quickly. And help us to be strong and keep loving until you get here.
Thank you for sharing about your week, Robert.

Amanda Lane said...
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