New Year's Resolutions

It's already 2008. Where did the time go?
As I sit here and contemplate the new year. I wonder what God has in store for me. Will I like it? Probably. Will I embrace it? Probably not. The point is I will hear from God. I just have to listen.

Having said that, It's resolution time. Let me start off by saying I hate resolutions. You start off January with the best of intentions and end the year an utter failure. These "resolutions" aren't something we do on a regular basis. Hence the whole resolution thing.
For me I want to be consistent in my prayer life. Notice I didn't say more consistent, if I were consistent at all I wouldn't be talking about it. I want to make sure I have a set quiet time and keep that time.

As I look at these I realize these aren't resolutions. These are the things that I want in order to draw closer to God. These can't be resolutions.
I hate "resolutions."

So my "resolution" for 2008 is: I resolve not to have any resolutions this year!

Look at this it's only January 3rd and I'm already a failure.
Thanks 2008.

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