Whirlwind - something that happens very quickly, or a rapid succession of events.

Yep, that sums it up. Our life has been a whirlwind recently, and shows no signs of slowing down. That is OK with me! My mom always tells me I am too busy, I am always doing something and I need to slow down. Yet, that is how I have always been, as long as I can remember. I function better under pressure, moving fast, getting things done and then crashing in the end. In school I was involved in lots of activities while managing high grades. In my different jobs I multi task, I am not happy while idle. So with getting ready to move into support raising mode, our youngest graduating from high school, our other kids moving out on their own, prom, choir shows, awards banquets, birthdays, mothers day, fathers day, we live on a roller coaster. A ride that is preparing us for the next big thing!
Here are a few pictures of our past few weeks. Our lives are not promised to be calm and slow. I yearn for the next adventure (coming soon) and live for the ride we are on now! - Liz

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