Life goes on...

I've been listening to the Beatles recently and this song brings to my mind just how quickly life goes on. I am starting a new job working with a Christian organization who lends to non-denominational Churches and ministries. I have always worked in secular places, so the idea of freely speaking of my faith at work is new to me. Robert is preparing to lead a team to San Carlos at the end of April, our kids are praying about going. While I know I cannot go on this trip, I am feeling pulled toward going to Australia this summer. I am not sure about my job, or finances, but right now I am praying about it. Robert and I are delving into our studies and really liking the course we are taking. We want/need to start thinking and praying about support raising. We want to make a newsletter mailer, a video/DVD, etc. A friend looked at me this week and said "so what is it, 1 year and a couple of months?" I am not sure of the exact time, but I am sure that God is showing us His path and guidance.
I maintained a journal over the past couple of months which helps me to see God clearly, the times when I was down I can look back and see how He blessed me and answered my prayers. I kept verses in my reading that stood out to me during tough times and I thought I would share one. Psalm 27:14 "wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."
Something always difficult, for those of us who always try to run ahead:) Lessons to be learned, Ob La Di, Ob La Da, Life goes on...

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