Aussie memories

Robert has landed safely in Australia after a rocky start. One of the girls was unable to go due to illness, they missed their connector flight, and then they were delayed 1/2 hour. God is good, they are in Brisbane with our extended family he has not seen since 2009. I am so happy for the time he will be with the people we love so much. As I reminisce on my trips there, I thought I would post a few of my favorite memories. Please keep them in your prayers as they share with and serve "down under."
Listening to Annie's story - amazing!

3 incredible women! Kylie, Elizabeth and Daun

My Peydon!

Mt Cootha with my boys

downtown Brizzy with Robert

Tim and I talking about what God was planning for Robert and I back in 2005. He has been an amazing support for our family!

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