Beyond...9 days in March!

We are moving into our churches celebration time for the Missionaries we support. It is called “Beyond…9 days in March” We spend 9 days in the life of our church, once a year, to really recognize, support, pray for and spend time with our Missionaries. They come in from all over the world (if able) to be with us and share their stories. Robert has been working long hours helping plan and bring to life these 9 days. One of the things we are doing this year is using different quotes from various people that really open your eyes and heart to what it means to be a missionary, and yet aren’t we all missionaries? I thought I would share a few of my personal favorites…

“Not every believer has the missionary gift, but every Christian is called to some kind of involvement in missions. We are called to advance the gospel in some way and to participate in the fulfilling of God’s purposes in our generation”-David Shibley

“God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him” – Hudson Taylor

"Sympathy is no substitute for action." -- David Livingstone, missionary to Africa

"Some wish to live within the sound of church or chapel bell; I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell." -- C.T. Studd

"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity." -- Mike Stachura

"Go, send, or disobey." -- John Piper

"We can reach our world, if we will. The greatest lack today is not people or funds. The greatest need is prayer." -- Wesley Duewel, head of OMS International

“Anyone who can help 100 missionaries to the field is more important than one missionary on the field. In fact, mission mobilization activity is more crucial than field missionary activity.”-Phil Parshall

“Obedience to the call of Christ nearly always costs everything to two people- the one who is called, and the one who loves that one.”- Oswald Chambers

We seem to be learning that last one intimately right now.

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