Nooo Reservations

I was watching "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" and he was in Laos. If you've never seen the show. He travels to different countries and visits people and eats the local food. It's usually pretty good. Anyway, while in Laos he ate with a man and his family, the man lost an arm and a leg while working on his house. He hit an unexploded bomb left over from the Vietnam conflict. This "bomb" was buried in the ground for around 30 years when it exploded. It was a US made weapon. We weren't supposed to be in Laos. But our government sent "Special Operatives" to train the people in the countries around Vietnam to help defeat them. Look, I'm not trying to get political, I'm not trying to debate the whole reason we were there. I'm just saying people are dying 30 years after a very controversial war, in a place we weren't even supposed to be.
I'm just saying.

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