I don't know!

So today has been a real strange day.
Before noon and I have already spoken with three different people who need help.
All three have recently been layed off.
All three need money to pay rent.
All three don't know where to turn.
I don't know if you know, but I work with homeless (some itinerant) people and people who live in motels. When they need help it's usually $40 to $80.
Today these three needed between $800 and $ 1100. I had to tell them we didn't have the money. You see it's the end of the month and our budget for assistance has been spent. Actually we probably spent next month's budget too.
Anyway, these three weren't just individuals they were families. Families. One was a man his wife their two children and her elderly father. One was a woman and her children. The other was a guy who was at the brink of divorce. He didn't care about his wife or kids. He came to our Spanish speaking service and was prayed for. His relationship with his wife is now strong. He cares deeply for his kids. His marriage is strong. He also hurt his back at work is on disability; his wife works two days a week and because of his injury he lost his job.
I had to tell him I couldn't help him. I told him how sorry I was. He looked at me, smiled and said don't worry, God will take care of us. He shook my hand and broke my heart.
Sometimes I feel lost.
Today is that day.
But as Salvadore said, "Don't worry God will take care of us."

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